Saturday, December 13, 2014

Had a Scare with my Cataract Surgery this Morning

This morning, around 9, I was in the bathroom and ran a comb through a few rambunctious strands of hair, and noticed that the corner of my “new” eye was red, like blood. I thought back to what I could have done to aggravate that eye.

I wondered if I had jostled it a little too much when I positioned the eye-drop-guide cup I use for the eye drops each day. The post-op instructions did say to avoid touching that eye for “a while.”

Now, I’m not sure what “a while” is to the doctor. This is Saturday. They are closed. I figure that, time-wise, I must still in the “a while” time-frame. 

I prayed hard, folks, really, really hard, on this one. I already am at risk on this surgery for complications because of a genetic condition, so I do not want a new risk. 

About an hour ago, it felt like something trying to “leave” my eye. Have you ever had a tooth extracted and then had a fragment of that tooth eventually appear and work its way out of your gum? Well, I wondered if it was a piece of broken lens working its way out. A little later, it felt like a strand of hair on my face, up near my eye/nose, so I brushed that away. The “piece in my eye” feeling went away. Possibly, when I combed my hair very early this morning, a strand of my flighty, thin hair fluttered down and hung around to irritate me.

At this point, almost 1 p.m., the corner of the eye is no redder and seems less red. I think everything is okay. If, however, it still looks red in that corner on Monday morning, I will call the surgeon’s office and ask if I need to come in. I’m not due for a final checkup until the 29th. Meanwhile, I will definitely avoid touching that area until then.

Lord Jesus, you heard my prayer and the worst seems to be over. You alerted me to the need to be even more cautious with this eye and I will do so. Thank you, as always, for being there with your strength and healing.  

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