Thursday, September 18, 2014

What I Need to Invent, for Cats...

I need to invent, or someone needs to, glow-in-the-dark cat treats. I’m going to send this Post to the cat food web sites, I think.

See, all the treats are brownish. I put them into her little purple treat-egg. It has a hole and when she rolls it, a treat comes out. Most times she is very excited about them and very diligent about gobbling them up. If she’s lost the egg in the house, she lets me know at night before we go to bed. That’s when I put it out. She sees better in the dark than humans do, of course, so just because the lights are out, it doesn’t mean she can’t see when they fall out. Also, she has a better sense of smell than we do.

Still, there are times I find them in the brown wall-to-wall carpeting in this old mobile home. At times, I step on them, and then have to scoop up the pieces before they are ground into the short rug. Other times, I find them at weird times. Like, tonight. I was brushing her highness during her nightly massage-therapy session. I must be on the floor to do this. When I shifted to get at her, I found one under my hip. 

That’s when the light bulb went on in my head - the next GREAT invention for cat-care-givers.

Yep, we desperately need them - glow-in-the-dark cat treats!

Are any of you cat food manufacturers reading this????? 
America needs you!!!!!  

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