Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Handmade Christmas Gift Ideas - Peppermint Chocolate Pretzel Sticks

Thanks to my friend, Cindy, for turning me on to TyAnne's blog where I found tonight's handmade Christmas gift project, Peppermint Chocolate Pretzel Sticks, for my ongoing (until Christmas) series. The link to TyAnne's tutorial is here.

I had so much fun reading her post that I smiled all the way through. Be sure to read it before you start on this one. TyAnne shares her trials-and-errors, especially the best way to smash peppermint candy canes, and whether to use one large one or lots of smaller ones.

She is still waiting for someone to come up with a cute idea for packaging these for the gift-giving. Hers never made it to that stage - they disappeared into her men's tummies.

Like everything in this series, I picked something that even I can make, busy and fumble-fingered as I often am, sometimes both at once. Still, I'm not sure mine will make it to packaging stage, either (sigh).

One of the main ingredients is definitely available at craft stores, but I'm sure, since we're all reading this on the internet, it will be easy to find with an online search.

I have a long way to go in this series and I don't want to fizzle out too early in the game. I've decided to do one edible project each week, one for the kids' gifts each week, and so on, to keep it varied. Along the way, some will be decorative only, but those are often the most appreciated gifts.

For other projects in my series, just look along the right sidebar for the label "Christmas Gift Projects." I hope to post only tips that do not require knitting, crocheting, machine sewing, tatting, embroidery, or any other skilled technique.

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