Tuesday, August 9, 2011

About These Bodies That God Has Given Us On Loan

Tonight as I knelt at the foot of my bed to say my prayers, something crossed my mind. Our household has had its share of financial woes these past few months. For now, it looks at though we might be getting back on track.

However, I have noticed that when things are bad, we eat all the wrong foods. We crave the wrong foods, which is one reason. We can't afford the fresh fruits and veggies we should have, and instead we have to settle for the worst foods, the cheapest but most filling of foods. My cravings lean toward chocolate and cheese and salty treats like pretzels and Cheetos. We manage some cheap yogurt's and some cheap veggies and fruits, but not enough.

Anyhow, I was thinking of my quick trip for a day or two's worth of groceries that I plan to make early tomorrow morning. I was trying to remind myself to pick up some Li'l Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls and Devil Squares. If you are not familiar with those, they are chocolate (sigh).

At that moment, I realized what I was doing. So I altered my train of thought just a bit and asked the Lord to guide my appetite towards foods that are good for our bods, instead. I'm not sure what I will get tomorrow, for snacks, but I'm trying.

Meanwhile, I explained to the Lord that I do understand that he only gave us our bodies on loan. We are obligated to take care of them as best we can. Some folks are disabled at birth and have no choice in their bodily care. Most of us are blessed, however. I must always try to remember that I do owe it to him to return this pudgy old body in as good a condition as I can.

Forget the fact that I abused the privilege for a good many years while I was an active alcoholic in my 20s and 30s. Forget the fact that I promised all kinds of things when I faced Stage 3 Colon Cancer back in '99. I still revert to bad food habits whenever I am stressed.

So, I will try yet again to get back on track food-wise. That's all we can do, we weak-minded humans. And, I think that's all he wants - for us to try.

Dearest Lord God, thank you for helping me maintain my body as well as I have. I have failed miserably in some matters, but I will continue to try. Please whisper to me so I will choose the best possible foods with the meager funds we have available at this time. I trust in you.

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