Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Right Outlook

Two days ago, I posted about our household worrying about whether my nephew's accident over the weekend would cause him to be terminated at his cab-driver job in the near future. The termination did happen - today.

However, this worry was offset by good news about a colonoscopy I had back on 2/28 and we've been having a lot of trouble getting some biopsy test results ever since. The good news came today that the biopsy sample was benign and I won't need another test for at least two years.

Even this good news, however, doesn't keep us from stressing over this recent firing. He had almost made two years. They did say that they would not interfere with his applying for unemployment, so he will do that in the morning. In the meantime, he is very sore from what we suspect are broken ribs, plus a banged up and swollen knee and elbow. His medical insurance terminates with his job, and his blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol meds run out this weekend, so we will no longer have those, either.

I have to still be grateful that we unexpectedly managed two extra days' income (Sunday and Monday) before they let him go - God was good to us - his office told him that was should not have happened.

Yet, and here is the bit about the "right outlook," I have so many friends with life situations that are far more stressing and unbearable than our lives are right now. As hard as things are going to be for us, I cannot imagine how I would be able to deal with what some of my dearest friends are going through right now. And that is just my friends' lives - there are many, many people in our own community, our city, our state, our country - so many, with so many worse troubles.

Father, you are so good to us, in so many ways. We trust you to take care of us and we will deal with this one piece, one step, at a time, while waiting for your guidance.


Anonymous said...

Is there any way he can get med refills today under the insurance? Like perhaps a grace period? It is good to remember that the Lord does not allow anything in our lives that have not been "sifted" through His hands, and that He can turn what we think of as bad into good. Keep praising Him!!! Prayers.

Evelyn Mayfield said...

Thank you, Cathy! Considering this, I called the pharmacy and explained and asked if they could try to put through refills on blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol, which weren't due for refills until the 4th. They tried, it went through and we're picking up today. At least we're covered with meds until the end of May. Bless you.