Saturday, September 11, 2010

God's Distribution Center?

I am beginning to feel as though I've been designated as one of God's Distribution Centers. I don't quite know how this happened. People keep bringing me "stuff." I did volunteer to accept knitting and crochet supplies for our crafting-for-the-needy efforts here in my senior mobile home community.

Somehow, though, it has mushroomed into something more than that. Not only are they bringing me knitting and crochet supplies, but one fellow dropped off the entire contents of his shed (well, it seemed like that) because he wife no longer can do her crafting. Many of these items are things I must find "homes" for. I have somehow also developed a casual list of folks who I can start giving some of those things to.

I've also begun to somehow receive other things - large afghans, warm sweaters, more. Each time I wonder what I'm going to do with something, a need appears. In one case, a sweet woman, who works at a local grocery market, cannot afford to turn on her heat in the winter and she needs warm top-covers for her and her daughter's beds. I have, thankfully, some wonderful things to take to her before the chill sets in this year.

Now I'm not complaining. I feel grateful that the Lord trusts me to be a steward of these things. However, they are coming too quickly for this 71-yr-old broad with some medical/physical issues to organize them. My bones do not move as quickly these days.

So, methinks I must pray a bit harder for the wisdom, stamina, fortitude and whatever else I need that will help me straighten out this mess so I can see what has to go where, and to whom.

Father, I am deeply honored that you trust me with these things, but I also know you know my limits these days, so please fill me with the grace and gifts of the spirit, in enough abundance, that I might organize this mess.

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