Thursday, February 15, 2024

Prayers Requested for Me, This Time!

Ok, most of you know I've been offline for a while. I've had 3 falls in 4 weeks.

The first one was Saturday, Jan. 13th. I had been having a low back pain/ache for about 5 days but kept thinking I was sitting on my computer chair wrong. Then, that Sat. morning, I couldn't stand up straight without pain, and by 5pm, I was in the kitchen and my legs just slid out from under me and I went down on the floor.

I was on the floor for 2 nights and a day, dragging myself through the house by my elbows and hands, my legs useless, dragging behind me, trying to find a way to get up or a way to reach a phone. By then, my knees and elbows had scabs/abrasions on them.

Thankfully, a few months ago, neighbors across from me, and I, swapped keys. After they saw my porch light night and day, they came to the back door and let themselves in and got me up Monday morning.

For the following day I found my family friend's (who I did caregiving for in her final 3 years here with me and her son) old 2-wheel walker which is very big but works. For Sunday, I was fine, but by Sunday night, that pain came back, and Monday morning, once again, I couldn't stand up straight, and that was followed by another fall. Those friends, by now, were watching for signs from their home and came once again and got me up.  This time they talked me into calling 911 and they got me to Sunrise hospital's ER. They admitted me and I also had a kidney infection and was there a week, during which time they never said what the cause was for my two falls. They sent me to rehab and I was in rehab for 3 weeks, again without incident, but my activity level was minimal because you only get OT and PT for a short time each day, never more than 1-1/2 hours total. So rehab sent me home on Wednesday, Feb. 7th, with a walker that was smaller than the big one.

Wed. night I was okay, Thu. evening I began having the back pain again, and the next morning, Fri., again I couldn't stand up straight without pain, and fell again. This time I had my prepaid not-smart cell phone in my pocket - I only use it for when in the car for roadside emergencies. I was able to call my friends and I went back to the ER. The ER doctor didn't take me seriously and wanted to send me home but my ER nurse and I were able to convince him to admit me at least for observation.

Up in my room, THIS time, I finally got a doctor who took me seriously, and also wanted to find the cause and ordered an MRI.

Results yesterday: no spinal injury but I've got "degenerative arthritis of the lower back" - they sent me home yesterday, and I will ask my PCP when I must see him for a follow-up visit, whether a back brace will help. I learned that I must keep better posture, I must rest in between household tasks (I'm not 39 any more), perhaps lose a little weight. Home health care will begin twice a week next week and hopefully she/he can help me do better with posture, etc.

I also think I weakened those lower back muscles, etc., from my really old "sunken seat" couch which I used to nap on or sit and crochet on. I'm going to ask my one neighbor who is our MH Park's maintenance man and also a friend, whether he has a big hard piece of wood, maybe even cut down an old door, and see if that will make the couch usable.

For now I'm using an old recliner which is not comfortable.

The neighbors who found me are also cat people and came in every day and evening to feed Silkie and do litter duty for me. They ran to my pharmacy today to pick up Rx's from the hospital, one for "spasms."

I'm sorry this is so long but it was a complicated month...

So, please keep me in your prayers for wisdom on my end for resting and posture, etc., and for some strained back muscles which my Dr. said will take some time to heal.

I must see my PCP for a follow up visit a week from now and will ask him if a back brace will help. My insurance will cover the ride to and from his location and I'll use a walker when I get there.

That's it for now - again, I apologize for the long post but it was a complicated 4 weeks.

Rolling along...

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