Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Praying for Others

I had planned to write about a completely different topic tonight. Then I learned that a dear cyber friend is having a great deal of emotional stress. I told her I'd pray for her. I thought and thought about how to pray. Words came but did not seem just right.

Then I remembered I had already written a small prayer, for my self-published Busy Person's Prayer Book, for such a moment. I found it and guess what? It's exactly what I right now. I'll share it here, in case someone else has a similar need tonight.

When I’ve Promised to Pray for Someone
I promised to pray for someone’s needs
Please hear the prayer that’s in my heart
Please send the help this person needs
And your love and mercy, please impart.
(c) Evelyn Mayfield

Sweet Jesus, this little prayer says what I feel. Please help this friend, and everyone on my prayer list, with whatever they need to get through this night, and over the days and weeks to come.


  1. Nice prayer...and praying also for your friend! ♥♥♥

  2. Thanks, Cathy - praying for you and yours as well.
