Monday, February 18, 2013

More Free Patterns Coming - If I Can Do It, Why Not You?

After I posted my two free crochet edging patterns earlier this month (here and here), I made a decision. I set a goal for one new free pattern a month during the year. It might be crochet; it might be another craft medium. But it will usually be quick-and-easy and it will be free.

I checked my blog stats recently and discovered that the free patterns really draw viewers. That is so cool. My pattern for the scarf for the homeless has been viewed 36, 518 times since posting and my bell towel topper has been viewed 18,121 times. Creating a new pattern a month might draw regular, return visitors.

Not only that, it's an exciting goal for me, personally. I will never be a big time designer. That's not me. I like to create patterns that are reasonably simple. You'll definitely not see me post a cowl-necked sweater with shirred three-quarter sleeves and a ruffled hemline in a luxury yarn.

Most of my ideas develop because of something I've been searching for and just cannot find elsewhere. That doesn't mean those ideas are not out there. It just means I couldn't find them quickly enough when I needed them.

I want to encourage others to put their little designs and patterns together, too. You might have several, just scribbled down on sticky notes or on table paper, tucked in your yarn basket. Maybe you adapted something your mother or aunt always made. Whatever, you should get the thrill of sharing it with others. Whether you sell the pattern or give it away, it will still be something you created. That's a great feeling.

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