Monday, February 11, 2013

Discovered How to do an Etsy Shop Board on Pinterest

Oh my goodness, how great is this? I just discovered how to set up a board on Pinterest for "My Etsy Shop."

I can't believe I have not done this earlier. What a promotional freebie this is for anyone with an Etsy shop. Etsy makes it so easy to add shop items to the board, and it even lists the price and the description, directly from the shop listing.

For potential buyers, this is even quicker and easier than window-shopping on Etsy - a one-page scroll-down while it still offers the option of going directly to the Etsy listing from the Pin.

Gotta get busy and do the rest of my items this week...then I've got to fill my shop with some things that still need photos...busy, busy - happy, happy!

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