Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Food Aromas That Are Sure To Make Me Hungry

Today was a day filled with food aromas. Early, I tossed some split peas into the slow cooker plus some ham bones and small ham pieces left from Tuesday's slow cooked ham and cabbage and potatoes. I smelled that all day long (sigh). I'm about ready to ladle it into a bunch of containers to toss into the freezer.

For dinner, I made a pot of creamed chipped beef plus some home fries. I had boiled some whole potatoes (skin and all) before noon so they could cool for slicing into the skillet later. When it came time, I dribbled a bit of olive oil into the pan, tossed in some raw onion and some chopped green bell pepper, then the sliced potatoes, and let it all get a bit crispy.

My nephew, at that point, came out of his room, following the aromas, mumbling "that bell pepper frying smells good and makes me hungry."

His words made me think about the foods that always make me hungry when I smell them. For me, the aroma of fresh brewed coffee can do it. So can the smell of bacon frying. Or warm cinnamon or fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.

What about each of you? What food aromas arouse your hungry-self? I'm curious - share with me?

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