Thursday, November 29, 2012

Selling My Stuff on Etsy is Fun

I love it when an email pops into the account I keep for Etsy and it shows I've had a sale. Like today when I sold two pairs of my crocheted slippers.

There is nothing so much fun as being able to just pull something out of the inventory, pack and weigh it, print the label from PayPal, and plop it into the package drop thingie at the Post Office - painless.

It's especially enjoyable when I sell the things I enjoy making most of all. The slippers are one of my favorite patterns to make. I've been making those since 1976. Wow, where DID the time go?

Today's sale made me look at what I've got in my shop right now. This is the time of year when my slippers sell. I've got to whip up a few more pairs this coming week, take the photos, and get them in the shop.

I've also got to add more texting gloves and a new, fun scarf I've started crocheting.

Once in a while, friends ask questions about Etsy and I confess that right now, I owe two replies. I think I'll take care of those this weekend, as well.

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