Monday, November 12, 2012

Gotta Shake Myself Loose

Looks like I've gotta shake myself loose. I just realized I have been posting entirely to the Crafts area of my blog lately. That's all well and good - after all, I did name it PrayersNCrafts.

But I haven't posted anything to the Prayers area in almost two weeks. I've also neglected the Etsy area and the Charity Crafting area. This is not good.

Life just gets in the way at times. That doesn't mean I must accept it. The reason I began this blog way back in '09 was so that I'd be forced, at the end of the day, to look back at each day. I planned to see what went well and what didn't. I planned to figure out how I could change some patterns in myself for the better. To do this, I need to post several times a week, at least, to the Prayers area.

The Prayers section isn't meant to be for sermonizing but more to help me realize how much easier life is when I say a prayer here and there during my day about life, both the good and the bad of life, and turn things over to God and thus de-stress myself to an amazing degree.

The Etsy section was meant to help me share tips I've picked up or developed over the past few years. It is also to share new things I put into the shop and to discuss many other Etsy-related issues.

Charity Crafting speaks for itself but I love sharing things I'm learning along the way in our group's ongoing journey into that area of life.

So I guess I'd getter pull up my socks and get on with it. Hopefully, this little lecture I just gave myself will shake me loose.

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