Sunday, November 25, 2012

Food Banks

Yesterday's post dealt with my financial worries. A reader's comment suggested I consider local food banks and other sources to help get through the waiting for things to turn around.

I agree completely. In fact, in our senior mobile home community of over 400 homes, a few dozen are signed up for one particular local distribution center. I am on that list, as well. Once a month, we pick up two bags of non-perishables. It usually contains 2 boxes of cold cereal, several cans of veggies and fruit, either powdered or boxed milk, peanut butter, rice, generic version of Velveeta, two half-gallons of juice, and more. Between us, we swap with each other. Some are medically challenged and cannot use this or that. Others have preferences. We always find a home for anything we personally cannot use.

This particular center also has a list of other local food pantries with addresses, phone numbers, and other details. I need to check out some of the others as well, now that things are getting extremely tight and a bit frightening.

The point is that, yes, God will help us. However, I believe that we also need to help him, if we can. Pride is okay to some extent, but not if it interferes with our health and well-being.

Through the years, I have unfortunately known folks who have taken extreme advantage of these outlets and other programs as well. Some of these folks were my friends. I prayed that they would eventually see that, when they took and were not in need, they hurt someone who truly was in need. These programs all have waiting lists.

I'll do what I can and accept the help available, and when things turn around, I'll get off the lists so that others can move up. This is fair, and this is right.

Father, thank you for your bounty, no matter how it comes to us. Please continue to watch over us and keep our minds sharp enough to see these little avenues of assistance you have opened to us.

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