Any crafter worthy of the name can probably relate to my post title tonight. I have already answered my own question. For an addicted crafter, no number of projects in-the-works is too many.
Right now, I am partly done with each of the following...
Local Order for 200 of my plastic canvas ribbon crosses - I have all the plastic canvas crosses cut and all the lengths of ribbon cut. I only need to weave the ribbon, print and cut the cards I include with each one, and tuck them into little baggies. My deadline is Nov. 30 on these.
Order for 25 crocheted angel ornaments - I have the angels almost finished. I then need to stiffen them slightly, add a ribbon loop for hanging, trim each one at the neck, and tuck them into little baggies. As above, my deadline is Nov. 30 on these.
New Local Order for 2 sets of baby items - a neighbor wants 2 sets for baby girls, to include a jacket, hat/cap, and blankie for twin preemies almost ready to finally leave the NICU and head home to their new mom. My deadline on these is this coming Friday. Obviously, this is the one I am working on at full speed.
Meanwhile, I also have my charity crafting things to do. When I have orders or even personal gifts to work on, I tend to do the charity crafting at the end of the day, after dinner. With the winter chill setting in, I'll be concentrating on scarves and fingerless gloves for the homeless. One of our ladies churns out hats by the gazillion, so she has warm heads covered. I do necks and hands.
Then there will very soon be my personal seasonal year-end gifts to work on. I have changed my mind several dozen times on what I want to make. I just might browse my own quick-and-easy list of DIY projects this year, and pick some things from that list.
So, what are YOU working on, my craft-y friends?
Hi Evelyn: Found you at BlogCatalog. Your header is really cute. Have a nice day.