Monday, November 26, 2012

Affording Life's Necessities

Two days ago, I posted something about food banks. I shared how I've finally learned to accept help when it is available.

The one thing that I've noticed about food pantries and food banks is that they supply just that - food. Even the Food Stamp program focuses on just food.

While it's true that the food is what is needed to sustain life, life's other necessities are also vitally important. I'm talking about all the other things we need each day - toilet paper, soap, detergent, dental and denture products, deodorant, cold remedies and aids in the winter, OTC pain meds for arthritis for the elderly, pain and fever OTC for the kids. Granted, if need be, I could use rags instead of paper towels, but I really don't want to think about doing without toilet paper. And I'm not sure now many friends I'd still have, locally, if I bypassed soap, deodorant and dental products.

These things might not sustain life, but they sure make it much more bearable. They are not even luxuries - they are simply "necessities."

Meanwhile, no matter how much help we get when we can't afford food for our bodies, we must also worry about these other products. It's rather strange, isn't it?

The good side of this issue is that I'm blessed with faith in the Lord. Without him on my side, I'm not sure how I'd get through tough times.

Lord God, thank you for all your help. You always seem to know what I need even before I know I need it. And you always seem to supply it, one way or another, at the right time. I'm grateful for that and for your love. Thank you.

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