Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tigger Update - Good News, Bad News

Ok, lab results are back. Bad news is that he has a massive gum infection plus some kidney disease damage, so we will be giving him meds to fight the infection and to slow down the progress of the kidney disease. Also, we have no idea how extensive the kidney damage is at this point.

Good news is that we can probably have him for another year if all goes well.

Good/Bad news is that we could get him back Monday if we can get $250 to make the full 50% of the bill, and then take two months to pay off the balance. That is do-able. However, we won't have another $200 until Wednesday and that adds several more days to the bill.

I think one of my neighbors will lend me the $250, so we can get him out Monday, knowing that we can give him back the $200 immediately on Wednesday, and pay the other $50 next month or earlier.

That said, my friends, I guess you know what I am asking next - prayers, please, that this neighbor will help. We have no other way of doing it, but this way, it would be reasonably painless.

Meds will be a capsule which the Dr. said to open and sprkinkle into his food. Tigger will absolutely NOT eat food with any meds in it, but I do know he loves his liquids and I can probably put it into broth or gravy or even pasta sauce (LOL) and he'll lick it all up. Hmmm - even the sauce from Mac & Cheese.

Father in heaven, thank you for another year with our beloved Tigger, or for as long as you can keep him well and happy with us. Bless this doctor abundantly, and his team, for all they have done. And bless our friends who have kept him in their prayers.  

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