Monday, October 8, 2012

Officially a Little Old Lady?

Our yard sale this weekend went surprisingly well. However, we needed to spend some of the cash immediately today for a microwave which finally went "out" on us, after 11 years, yesterday morning.

I didn't relish the thought of walking the Super Walmart on these bum knees of mine after a weekend of packing/unpacking and bending and walking during the yard sale. My middle-aged nephew finally talked me into using one of the handicapped scooters while I was there. I resisted as long as I could. I do have a handicapped placard for the car for really bad days when I need to be fairly close to the entrance of wherever I am going. But I truly didn't feel handicapped enough to use one of those scooters.

I guess this makes me officially either a little old lady or a disabled little old lady (sigh). Still, I have to admit it was a pleasure to leave the store after going up and down all those aisles, and still be able to walk somewhat upright instead of almost crawling out as I often do on a long shopping trip.

So, pride be hanged - comfort is the thing!

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