Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Gotta Catch up on my Emails!

These past few weeks have been crazy. This past weekend and this week have not been much better.

Dealing with our Tigger in Intensive Care and then his passing was distracting enough.

In addition, this is the week of the month when I am doing our monthly senior mobile home community newsletter. It is strictly on a volunteer basis, but I write and edit it, track and gather info to include in the issue, then spend a day printing all 435 copies (6 pages, 3 sheets double-sided) and two hours the next day stapling. Then, a day or so later, I also hand-deliver almost 100 of them.

I don't mind the delivery. It forces me to take this cranky left leg and knee of mine, grab my quad cane, and hike on out there to stretch the muscles a bit. We roll and rubber band the newsletters, and I put them on the railing of the back steps on our driveways.

Anyhow, I have about a dozen or more "special" emails that I keep marking as "unread" so that I will remember to reply to them. Some emails take a little more thought and time than others. I think we all have some of those. So, hopefully, later this week, I will finally play "catch up" and clear those up before those folks think I forgot all about them (sigh).

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