Tuesday, October 16, 2012

DIY Recycled Bag Handle

These past two weeks, between helping a friend clear his dad's home and also gathering stuff from my own home for a community-wide yard sale, I had a lot of "stuff" to pack into a lot of plastic bags. The middle of last week, I began to get rid of what I could not sell. Much of it was awkward in size or shape. Often it managed to fit into plastic grocery bags but my hands would not close on the handles which were too far apart.

Aha! I suddenly remembered my own tip from June of 2011. I'm not going to re-write the whole thing, but here is the link. This idea is a hand/palm saver, a labor-saver, and a green/recycle tip as well. Life is much easier carrying awkward bags with this DIY bag handle.

I hope it helps you as much as it always helps me!

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