Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rest In Peace, Kenny

Today I lost one of my friends and neighbors. The elderly fellow across the street from me, originally from Jamaica, passed away.

It could have happened anytime from Sunday until this morning. He lived alone after his wife passed away 4 years ago. Since then, I've helped him with one of the few things he was not good at: paperwork. I walked him through bankruptcy right after her passing and many other hurdles.

This man still worked at 82, leading a team of housekeepers for one of our local hotel/casinos. He was looking forward to retiring to Jamaica by the end of the year. Obviously, he did not make it. Anyhow, because of how close our households had become, we knew his routine thoroughly. The last time I actually saw activity at his home was Saturday evening. It was not unusual lately for him to not leave his house for up to two days at a time. In spite of that, I was at least always able to call him and speak to him.

Sunday and Monday came and went and my usual calls went unanswered. By Tuesday, yesterday, I began to be concerned. I told my nephew that if I didn't hear from him before I went to bed last night, I would start banging on the door this morning.

This morning, I knocked and banged and called his name. After no response, I notified our mobile home park management so they could take the required action and call the police. Long story short - he was found on his kitchen floor where it appeared he had begun to prepare something to eat.

I will miss this gentle man. His island attitude was soothing and many a time, his calm ways helped me de-stress.

He never made it back to retire to Jamaica but I console myself by realizing that he at least was able to dream and plan for that day. Life's ending is unpredictable. None of us ever knows when it will arrive. This said, we should live each day fully appreciating all those things we can be grateful for.

Father, I know you have Kenny with you now. Thank you for the time we shared with him on earth. Help us all to live each day fully.

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