Saturday, September 1, 2012

My 95 Handmade Christmas Gift Ideas from 2011

Last year, late in September, I began posting a different DIY project, each and every night until Christmas. These were projects that could be crafted for holiday gifts and decor. None of these required strong crochet, knit, or sewing skills.

I did this for myself, at first, because I wanted a few ideas for quick-and-easy last minute gifts, decor and other holiday items. Sharing them with readers was easy. I had fun searching for new projects every night.

By the time Christmas came last year, I had posted 95 different quick-and-easy projects which required little or no needle or hook skills. I was really amazed that I found all those online.

This year, I hope to figure out how to create a gallery page with photos of each one. The photos will be click-able and take you directly to my post. Each of my posts included a direct link to the tutorials. I made sure I only posted tutes that were easy to understand and follow.

These included everything from bookmarks and wearables to food items and wrappings.

I hope to also post some previously un-mentioned projects throughout the Fall season. I know I can do this on Pinterest, but I'd like to try this first. Meanwhile, you can always scroll down the right side of this blog and click on Christmas Gift Projects but it takes patience to get through all of them. That's why I want to set them up as a click-through gallery.

My challenge here is to create this gallery page in Blogger (sigh). I have seen such pages created by others.

I am giving myself a deadline of October 1st. This should be interesting.

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