Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good News to Share

Most of you know our household has had some challenging financial issues this year. This will be a brief post but I had to share some good news of sorts. My middle-aged nephew's unemployment ran out early this week and we were very fearful about the future and trying to live on just my SSA. He had to call this morning to see about extending the benefits but we truly expected to be turned down. We were pleasantly surprised to learn he will get 10 more weeks of benefits. This means we will be able to finish paying off non-fixed obligations and when the benefits end later this year, we should be able to make it on just my SSA while checking other options.

The other good news happened earlier this week. Most of you know we also had our car's engine blow a month or so ago and we were blessed when the car lot we bought the 11-year-old Saturn from agreed to replace it with a fresher used engine and let us pay them off after we finish paying the installments on the car itself. Our old engine had 133K on it, and the fresher one has 77K. This week, I needed to go to a craft store about 8 miles from home. They closed all the closer shops little by little so this is my only option. Anyhow, he said that was good because he really wanted to try the new engine on the freeways and see how it handled. Long story short - when we got home, he said that it sounded and felt and handled so much better than our old one that he'd have no worries about taking the car on the road to see my DB and his wife in CA one of these days. Of course, that isn't something in the near future, but the feeling of knowing the engine seems good is wonderful. We just had an oil change, today, and that mechanic said that the engine seemed sound, as well.

Father, we have asked and have received. Thank you for these latest blessings.

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