Sunday, November 16, 2014

Helping the Strong as Well as the Weak

Today I was thinking a lot about some folks I’ve loved who are no longer on this earth. One, my little sister, passed on at 69 after four long-years in long-term-care. I told her often how much I loved her being both my sister and my friend. I knew, also, that she was a person who needed love, a lot, and that the words meant a great deal to her.

However, that led me to realize that several others in my life did not get the full measure I could have given to them. My mother, my dear old friend, Jane, her son (like my own), and a few others. Oh, I thought they knew how much I cared and how much I admired many things about their character. But I look back and I did not say enough.

Here, on earth, the words do mean something to us. These folks were strong. They had the courage to deal with life’s problems and not gripe about it as much as others sometimes do. I always admired their bravery, their stoic ways - but because of that, I held back on the words.

The other day, I was on the phone with my “baby” brother (now 70). I did make sure to tell him how proud I was of him for several things he had done that not many would have tackled. I am glad I did that. After today’s reminiscing, I realize that it is important to tell our friends and loved ones how much we care, or why we care, whenever we have the opportunity.

I can’t hold back on complimenting or praising or thanking someone just because I think they are so strong that they do not need it.

A post has circulated recently on social media that says something similar. It mentions that just because a person is strong, it doesn’t mean that they do not need a hug or a word of support at times.

Sweet Lord Jesus, fill me with your love and remind me at the right moment to give a word of encouragement or love or support exactly when someone on my life’s path needs it most. Help me resist the urge to assume they are strong and do not need those words. And please help me find the right words to say.  

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